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Everyday Creative Adventures

Good Karma Cards

Why not reward good deeds. Print out these fun cards and bring on the good karma.

Good Karma Cards – Recently a friend of mine posted a question on Facebook to get her friend’s opinions about whether kids should get an allowance for doing chores or whether chores were simply considered a regular duty in which everyone in the household contributes. Wow, did her question spark a storm of responses. I was really amazed with the variety of opinions as well as how passionate people were on either side of the debate. I have my opinion on this issue but seeing how people reacted to her question I think I’ll just keep it to myself for now.

One thing that I will share however, is that in our family, doing random acts of kindness are just as important as chores. We feel that it’s really important for our daughter to go out of her way to help out when she has the opportunity. Part B to this is that I want my child to do these things without any prompting from my husband or myself… that’s when the real magic happens. That being said, we have many conversations about what good deeds are and the ways to help people. Here are just a few quick ideas:

  • pick up litter at the park or on the beach
  • pull weeds in the garden
  • bring cookies or treats to share with your camp or class mates
  • take a dog for a walk
  • help your teacher clean up after class
  • stand up for someone who isn’t being treated properly
  • offer to carry groceries into the house
  • make “hello” or “miss you” cards for friends or family members
  • pack up and deliver gently used toys for those in need
  • read a book to a younger child who can’t read yet
  • sort and take dirty laundry to the laundry room
  • give someone a well deserved compliment
  • spend time with an elderly person who may be lonely
  • offer to sweep or vacuum the floor
  • hug someone who looks sad or upset

To help encourage this behaviour on a regular basis, I’ve created a printable “good Karma card”. Once the child has completed 10 good deeds or acts of kindness they will get a reward. Get your good karma cards here.

Now get those kids out there and lets help make the world a kinder and nicer place to live.

Print out these cards for all the good deeds your children do.
Print out these cards for all the good deeds your children do.


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