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Everyday Creative Adventures

Indoor Fairy Garden

Indoor Fairy Garden – Recently Noelle had 2 weeks off for Spring Break.  That meant coming up with at least a weeks worth of activities to keep her busy. One activity we planned was to make our very own indoor fairy garden.  What little girl doesn’t love fairy gardens!  Here’s the list of what you’ll need to make your own:


  • Short/wide pot
  • 2-3 little plants (make sure the plants are suitable for the room you’ll be keeping your garden in – ours was a bright and sunny location)
  • Soil
  • Little bird house or structure
  • Rocks and/or sea glass
  • Moss, ferns or any other interesting plant life you can find outside
  • Sticks/branches
  • Any little toy fairies, princesses, toad stools, or anything else you think would help accessorize the garden

How to put it together:

Paint your bird/fairy house and put it aside to dry. Add soil to your bowl until it’s about 2/3’s full.  Add in your 2-3 plants leaving a spot for the bird house.  Carefully add the birdhouse.  Put a little more soil around the plants and around the birdhouse to make sure it’s anchored in there and won’t fall or get knocked over easily. Create a little walk way to the front of the house with little flat stones or sea glass. Put moss around any exposed soil that you can see. Finally, decorate with sticks, rocks and any little toys that your child would like to have in the garden.

That’s it, your all done!  Don’t forget to water the garden or else it’ll end up being a fairy compost heap!


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