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Everyday Creative Adventures

Archives for March 2014

DIY Seed Bombs

DIY Seed Bombs – I’m not sure what the weather’s like where you live but in Victoria spring is definitely in the air. The trees are full with cherry blossoms, the fields are covered in daffodils and tiny tender green leaves are poking out of the bushes. It’s hard not to be in a good […]

Certificate of Awesomeness

Certificate of Awesomeness – We’ve all had those moment as parents where we realize that we’ve dropped the ball – recently I had such a moment. I went to pick up my daughter from school and noticed that the teacher was frantically chasing down kids to give them really cute cards of congratulations. The kids […]

Mandala Coloring Pages

Mandala Coloring Pages – These beautiful circular designs are called mandalas. Mandalas are as old as history itself and mean “sacred circle” in Sanskrit. In various ancient and spiritual cultures including Buddhists, Tibetans, Hindus and North American Indians, the mandala has been used as a form of meditation, in sacred rites to aid in healing and […]

Striped Pinched Crochet Headband

I admit it, I’m a big wimp when it comes to cold weather. I actually moved to Vancouver Island, an area that many consider the mildest climate in Canada, just to escape the frigid cold. While the majority of the winter we manage to elude the cold weather, we do get the occasional day below […]

Lemon Walnut Brussels Sprout Stuffed Portobello Mushroom Caps

Lemon Walnut Brussels Sprout Stuffed Portobello Mushroom Caps – Brussels sprouts and I have never been friends, not even acquaintances for that matter.  I can safely say that out of all the vegetables, brussels sprouts are all the bottom of my favorites list…until recently that is.  I came up with this recipe for brussels sprouts that […]