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Everyday Creative Adventures

Ring in Spring with Garlic

Garlic in March

I love this time of year. So much hope and anticipation for the fun times yet to come with the warm weather soon approaching. In Victoria we’re blessed to have mild winters which for me never gets tiring.  Growing up in Ontario with 6-7 months of cold and snow has instilled in me a general hatred towards cold weather; one that I still feel after living here in the promised land for the past 15 years.

One thing I learned to love living in Ontario was the wonderful gardens you could grow there. My mother’s garden was huge, probably about half an acre.  Oh how I used to love watching her garden go from a pile of dirt to a medley of incredible fruit and veggies in a matter of months.

Now that I finally have a “deer free” area, I have my own very tiny chunk of land to grow a garden.  Even though it’s small, it has a southern exposure with a beautiful rock wall as a wind guard and protector. We just moved to this house about a year ago so last year was my first attempt at a real garden – overall, it was generally successful but I hope to have better results this year.

So, what’s with the garlic? We’ll it’s the first beautiful green thing to shoot through the soil this winter/spring.  It just looks so lush it’s hard to believe it’s still March. And well, I have an embarrassing thing to admit; last year I planted my first garlic bunch in June… turns out it won’t grow if you plant it then. I was asking my very knowledgeable friend and co-worker something about Garlic early last summer and she said “you didn’t plant garlic this summer did you” and I looked her square in the eye and said “no, of course not”. Yes, even though I’m a complete amateur, I was too embarrassed to admit the truth to her.  So later this past fall, that same friend gave me some of her beautiful garlic bulbs and I planted the cloves. Now, that I have these gorgeous plants coming up in my garden I feel triumphant. I can’t wait to pick them now; I’m already planning all my recipes out for the summer harvest.


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