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Everyday Creative Adventures


Crochet and Knitting on an Airplane

There’s something that sparks fear in the hearts of knitters all around the globe. One question. “Will my knitting needles get taken away at the airport?” This is a very real fear, and while less likely, crocheters fear for their crochet needles as well. Luckily, there are ways to assure you won’t lose your favorite […]

30 Crochet Scarf Patterns

I love to crochet. One of my favorite things about it is getting to share it with others. I’ve always loved stitching up gifts for other people. And while I’ve made all sorts of things, my go-to’s are always crochet scarf patterns. A scarf can be unisex and is always practical, so it’s perfect for anyone. […]

25 Baby Blanket Crochet Patterns

One of the sweetest gifts I ever received was my first crochet baby blanket. As I grew, I kept it close to me. I still have it packed away with other keepsakes. When I became interested in crochet, I found a zillion free unique baby blanket crochet patterns online. I wanted to try all of […]

25 Free Crochet Afghan Patterns

There’s nothing better than a cozy crochet blanket. At the end of a long day at work or running errands, wrapping up in an afghan blanket is comforting. It’s the perfect way to relax. Working on a crochet afghan pattern also happens to be the perfect way to unwind. Crochet is soothing and has been […]

Wool Allergy or Sensitivity? Consider these Alternative Yarns

Lately, I’ve been hearing from a lot of you that you have wool sensitivities. So I decided to do a little research on the subject to try and find out more about wool allergies in the craft community. Apparently, about 20% of the population struggle with sensitivities and allergies to wool fibers. And while it’s […]